Monday 29 January 2018

Hannah Payne, Cardiff

I love a challenge and the idea of being stuck on a desert island sounds quite exciting (being a ginger I would definitely need to take factor 50). However, like many times in my life, if I didn’t have the word of God, good godly people in my life or encouraging song lyrics I know I would have fallen at so many hurdles. Therefore, this exercise has been very helpful in reminding me how grateful I am to God for his constant guidance, patience with me and for his providing.

Which verses would you take to the desert island?

I was going to cheat and bring whole chapters and psalms as there are so many great passages that have helped me (Isaiah 53, Psalm 46); but I have tried to be disciplined and chosen key verses.

Trust in the Lord with all of your heart and lean not on your own understandings. Proverbs 3:5

As a child, I had this verse on my bedroom wall. I think it was one of the first verses I learned off by heart. It has been a verse that has followed me throughout my life and really helped me through hard times. This verse definitely helped me when I was a relay worker for UCCF, as I had to trust that God would provide for me financially. It accompanied me when I moved miles away from home to go to University. It's supported me when bullied at school, through applying and searching for jobs and even through my pregnancy. To constantly say "I need to trust in the Lord with everything" (which as a sinner isn't always in my nature to do) has really shown me his incredible guidance and protection over me, even in times when I'm scared of an outcome or situation. 

Those who honour me, I will honour. 1 Samuel 2:30

This is my favourite verse. When I was growing up I loved to run, I ended up running for Yorkshire and really wanted to get better and better. Races, however, started to move from Saturdays to Sundays and as a Christian I knew that I should be honouring God on Sundays by worshipping him, instead of doing my own thing. My mum wrote this verse in the front of my Bible and it has been a real eye opener to me. I did run on Sundays (my parents let me decide) but I didn’t enjoy it and the more I read this verse the more I knew I should stop. I ended up stopping and I don’t regret it. I love my Sundays now, meeting with God’s people, worshipping him and growing in knowledge of him. This verse especially helped me keep grounded when moving to University, even though I messed up so much at University, God constantly brought me back to him by this verse.

Who would you like to find on the island for company?

The person I would like to find on the island would be Jim Elliot. His bravery and desire to tell the Aucas people of Ecuador about God, no matter what the circumstances, is incredibly humbling and challenging to me. The quote found in his diary is incredible:

“He is no fool who gives what he cannot keep to gain what he cannot lose”

This man was murdered by the Aucas people, but God still used this and years later the tribes became Christians. It is an amazing story of forgiveness as his wife went to work with them. WOW!

Which song would you take to the island?

There are SO many songs I would take. I had “Before the throne” at my baptism and I LOVE “And can it be” but I think the song that has challenged me most would be “There is a Redeemer”. I love the last verse which says “When I stand in glory, I will see his face…” wow what a thought! Will he be pleased with me or disappointed?

There is a redeemer
Jesus, God's own Son
Precious Lamb of God, Messiah
Holy One

Jesus my redeemer
Name above all names
Precious Lamb of God, Messiah
Oh, for sinners slain

Thank you, oh my father
For giving us Your Son
And leaving Your Spirit
'Til the work on Earth is done

When I stand in Glory
I will see His face
And there I'll serve my King forever
In that Holy Place

Thank you, oh my father
For giving us Your Son
And leaving Your Spirit
'Til the work on Earth is done

There is a redeemer
Jesus, God's own Son
Precious Lamb of God, Messiah
Holy One

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