Saturday, 15 April 2017

Chris Rees, Narberth

I became a Christian 32 years ago and for 23 of those years I have been a Minister of the Gospel of Jesus Christ. There have been many verses over the years which have become particularly precious and I have found myself turning to them, bringing them to remembrance and quoting them often to myself on this Christian walk more than other verses. Just like you would have your personal favourites, they become dear to you through the experiences of faith.

Which verses would you take to the desert island?

The Lord lives! Blessed be my Rock! Let the God of my salvation be exalted. Psalm 18:46

Psalm 18 has been a constant portion of strength and this verse was given to me at my Ordination Service. The ministry can take you into some dark places but through the many highs and lows, struggles and successes, the Lord lives! Blessed be my Rock! Let the God of my salvation be exalted.

Honour and majesty are before Him; Strength and beauty are in His sanctuary. Psalm 96:6

To help me pray and worship when I’m cast away on this island, more than any other, Psalm 96 comes to mind. It's a reminder that our prayers and worship to God can only be fitting with beauty, honour and majesty. In Jesus Christ, our great High Priest, we have One Who is before Him in all His splendour, offering our prayers and supplication with the dignity He deserves.

The word of the Lord came to Abram in a vision, saying, “Do not be afraid, Abram. I am your shield, your exceedingly great reward.” Genesis 15:1

A desert island is a lonely place. God spoke to Abram when he was in a strange and lonely place, an isolated place, it is when we are in such a place ourselves that the word given to Abram becomes more meaningful and true in our own lives.

So all bore witness to Him, and marvelled at the gracious words which proceeded out of His mouth. Luke 4:22

The "mouth" can become one of our most besetting sins. Although theology and doctrine may be right, it so often, especially as a Preacher, comes out wrong. So, one of the verses I quote to myself, and have written on my Bible and on my phone is Luke 4:22 speaking of the Lord Jesus, He spoke gracious words.

Be of good courage, and let us be strong for our people and for the cities of our God. And may the Lord do what is good in His sight.” 2 Samuel 10:12

There are many battles in the Christian life and our God expects us to be strong and to be people of courage; cowards do not inherit the kingdom of God.  There have been many occasions when "throwing in the towel" crosses the mind but on the windowsill of the Minister's room in the church you will find this verse from 2 Samuel. It is a reminder that, in our Christian lives, our standing and holding fast to the calling we have is so utterly important; not for ourselves alone but for the whole of God's people, the Church and churches we represent.

Then I was beside Him as a master craftsman; and I was daily His delight, rejoicing always before Him. Rejoicing in His inhabited world, and my delight was with the sons of men. Proverbs 8:30-31

What is the point of any word, even God's Word, if it does not bring us to a greater knowledge of Him and who He is? Our minds are so small and dark we have no idea, really, of the greatness and goodness of His being! These verses give us a great vision of the Triune God and the blessedness of His being. To think that our fellowship is with the Father and with the Son, Who is the happy and blessed God is amazing.

Which Christian from the past would you like to find on the island for company?

There are many great figures from Church History we all would like to have met and spent time with. For me though it would have to be Martin Luther, the reason for this, he was a great raconteur as we know from his Table Talk, it would be great to have him around the camp fire. What an exciting life he had with thunder bolts nearly killing him, Emperors and Popes out to destroy him, with the stories of his escapes, the stands he took and the famous people he met in his day. It would be good to have him on the Island, he could play His harp and we could sing some of his well known hymns. He could teach me more of the Word of God and pray. But for all this spiritual talk he had a great sense of humour and we would have a good laugh and drink beer.

Which song would you take to the island?

There is only one hymn that I would need on a desert island, in case I enjoy it too much, loving the beauty of the sun going down at night and raising in the morning on this warm tropical beach. The hymn is from 1677 Munster Gesangbuch and this version was translated and adopted by John D. Manton in 1930. It will remind me of the Loveliest One of all.

Fairest Lord Jesus,
Lord of Creation,
Son of God, and Mary's Son,
You only will I love,
You only will I praise,
my soul's delight, my joy my crown!

Fair are the meadows,
fair the forests
clothed in the loveliness of spring;
Jesus is fairer
Jesus is purer,
who makes our broken hearts to sing.

Fair is the sunshine.
fairer the moonlight,
with all its stars in vast array;
Jesus shines fairer
Jesus shines purer,
than all angelic hosts on high.

Nothing in all the earth,
nothing in heaven above
can with His loveliness compare.
Now shall my hearts desire
to Him alone aspire,
My Jesus, Lord and King most fair.

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