Saturday, 19 August 2017

Carol Dutkowski, Cardiff

I am bearing in mind my propensity to forget the important things and to let myself drift away from the vital truths about God and my salvation. I constantly need to refocus my thoughts so that I am not dragged down and become disheartened or go astray. This is true in my life now and so will certainly be true on a desert island where I will be tempted to focus on my own efforts to survive daily. I will need to remind myself of the truth as it is in Jesus, and the glorious blessings I have in Him.

Which verses would you take to the island?

My help comes from the Lord, who made heaven and earth. Psalm 121:2

I once heard a sermon on this Psalm; people may look all around, even to the mountains for help but my help comes from the Lord, Who just happens to be the One Who made heaven and earth and everything else! The best Helper ever – nothing can be too hard for Him since He made everything and sustains everything! This has been a real source of comfort to me whenever I’ve been floundering, I can rely completely on my God since He is the Maker of heaven and earth.

For the wages of sin is death, but the free gift of God is eternal life in Christ Jesus our Lord. Romans 6:23

If we confess our sins, He is faithful and just to forgive us our sins and cleanse us from all unrighteousness. 1 John 1:9

God shows His love for us in that while we were still sinners, Christ died for us. Romans 5:8

These verses are all to remind me of my sin and thus, my need for salvation and the great salvation provided for me in Christ. Romans 5:8 reminds me of how incredible God’s love for me is; He didn’t love me when I was lovable, He didn’t wait for me to get better and make myself clean – what a relief! I couldn’t have done it, and the older I get the more I am aware of this and the more thankful I am that God saw me as I was, filthy, wretched, unlovable and yet loved me and Christ died for me.

Blessed be the God and Father of our Lord Jesus Christ, who has blessed us in Christ with every spiritual blessing in the heavenly places, even as he chose us in him before the foundation of the world, that we should be holy and blameless before him. In love he predestined us for adoption to himself as sons through Jesus Christ, according to the purpose of his will, to the praise of his glorious grace, with which he has blessed us in the Beloved... Ephesians 1:3-14

I have done my best to memorise this passage over recent years; it’s much harder as I get older but still worth trying as it enables me to meditate on the words even if I fail to get it perfectly. Whilst memorising this chapter I was struck by the repetition of the phrase ‘in Him’, as Paul writes of the many blessings we have from God. They are all in Christ, and so dwelling on these verses causes me to glorify Him. Also, I was struck by the richness and lavishness of God’s grace, mercy and love – it’s so overwhelming to think about how much He loves me and has given for and to me. Dwelling on these verses lifts my soul and causes me to praise and thank God!

Seek first the kingdom of God and His righteousness, and all these things will be added to you. Matthew 6:33

This has spoken to me about keeping our eyes fixed on the important, supernatural, spiritual things and not letting whatever is going on in our lives to distract us. It’s that phrase, “all these things”. They may be difficulties and problems; but also pleasures and enjoyment, in fact, the stuff of life. It’s as hard to focus on God and trust Him when you have plenty of money as when you have no, when you’re taken up with falling in love as when you’re broken-hearted, when you’re fit and able as when you’re struggling with ill health. I want to raise my eyes, mind and heart above “all these things”, whatever they are, good, bad or neutral, and concentrate on God, His kingdom and His righteousness. Then, “all these things” will be in perspective, they lose their power to unsettle me. As stuff happens in my life, I am trying to categorise them as “all these things” to keep them in their right place and not let them take over the place of importance which is for God’s kingdom and righteousness. So, on my island, I can apply this verse when I’m struggling to find food, water and shelter and again when that’s all been sorted and I’m lying on the sand enjoying the sunset.

For your Maker is your husband, the Lord of hosts is his name; and the Holy One of Israel is your Redeemer, the God of the whole earth is he called. Isaiah 54:5

This chapter was given to me by God many years ago at a very difficult time. I am often reminded of it, and have often claimed this verse as a promise when I’m struggling to know what to do. As a single woman, it can be hard to know what to do about lots of things to do with life and even though I’m quite capable and independent, there are still times when I don’t know what to do and I can wish for a husband for a male perspective or even to sort things out for me. It’s quite clear in Scripture that the ideal set up is a husband and wife team where the husband takes the role of head, so a single woman can feel a bit like a headless body at times (Yes, even in this liberated, feminist age)! Well, God promised me that He would be my husband and, frankly, I could search the whole world over and not find a better one, after all, He is my Maker, the Lord of Hosts, God of the whole earth. So, there have been times (and I’m sure will be more in the future), when I have challenged God on my knees, “You said you’d be my husband, I’m in over my head, I need you to sort this out!” And He always has! Alleluiah! Sometimes it was a leaking roof, or broken washing machine, other times I needed advice or comfort. He has sometimes provided people to help and other times given me the wisdom or comfort I needed. He rarely works in a way I’d expect but He has always been faithful, which is more than you can say for some husbands! And, even though I’ve been a rubbish wife, He never chides me, or sulks, never punishes me for trying to do it my way first and only coming to Him when I’m desperate. He’s just there for me - faithful, dependable, forgiving, loving and also all-powerful and able. I’m so thankful to Him. He’ll still be my husband on my desert island and hopefully I’ll remember to ask Him for help before I start trying to take control and do it all my way!

Bless the Lord, O my soul... Psalm 103:1-22

This is another passage I have tried to learn by heart and it has thrilled my soul to meditate on it as I’ve been trying. There is so much in it of Who God is and what He has done for me. There is the reminder in v2 not to forget, and then the psalmist lists our blessings from God and struggles to describe just how great is God’s kindness, grace and mercy, in v11, love is so high it can’t be measured! He starts with praise and ends with praise, and in the middle is so much to chew on, every line is a morsel of delight to feast on as we contemplate God and all He is.

Who would you like to find on the island for company?

I’ve always said that if ever I had to go into the wilds of any kind, I want Ray Mears with me! I’d have a high chance of survival at least, although I’m not sure how entertaining he’d be once shelter, food and drink were sorted out. There’s always Bear Grylls, of course, because he’s a Christian, but he’s a bit too high octane for me. Also, both of them are still living so are not available as choices.
What I’m looking for in a companion is somebody hardy, who will know how to fend for themselves and can help make a shelter, find water and hunt for food, and won’t throw a hissy fit whenever things get hard. Most importantly of all, I need someone who’s an encourager; someone who knows God well and will help me to remember that God is in the small things as well as in the great, and that we need to trust Him, love Him and praise Him whatever is going on. I reckon Hudson Taylor is a good option; he was pioneering and used to making do in alien surroundings. He had a heart for the Lord and was able to trust God in the most difficult circumstances. He would also have some great tales to tell when we’re sitting around the camp fire cooking the fish we’ve caught for our supper which would thrill my soul as well as my mind and heart.

Which song would you take to the island?

What I really want to take is actually Handel’s Messiah – the whole thing! It’s my favourite piece of music for a Sunday or when I need to refocus myself – the words are all Scripture, so you can’t fault them, and the music, I believe, enhances the meaning. However, it might not be allowed as ‘just one song’ and also might be vetoed as it includes so many more Bible verses than I’ve already chosen. So, my back-up song is Charitie Bancroft’s masterpiece. The reason for this choice is as for all my verses – to help me remember what’s important and to keep my heart praising God.

Before the throne of God above
I have a strong, a perfect plea;
A great High Priest, whose Name is Love,
Who ever lives and pleads for me.

My name is graven on His hands,
My name is written on His heart;
I know that while with God He stands
No tongue can bid me thence depart.

When Satan tempts me to despair,
And tells me of the guilt within,
Upward I look, and see Him there
Who made an end of all my sin.

Because the sinless Saviour died,
My sinful soul is counted free;
For God, the Just, is satisfied
To look on Him and pardon me.

Behold Him there, the risen Lamb!
My perfect, spotless Righteousness,
The great unchangeable I AM,
The King of glory and of grace.

One with Himself, I cannot die;
My soul is purchased by His blood;
My life is hid with Christ on high,
With Christ, my Saviour and my God.