Friday, 18 January 2019

Hector Morrison, Inverness

Which verses would you take to the desert island?

Then God said, ‘Let us make man in our image, in our likeness, and let them rule over the fish of the sea, and the birds of the air, over the livestock, over all the earth, and over all the creatures that move along the ground.’ So God created Man in his own image, in the image of God he created him; male and female he created them. Genesis 1:26-7

The first is one from the context of creation for that is the primary context for humanity presented to us in scripture, just as it will be the final context for the new humanity in the Second and Last Adam, Jesus Christ, in the new heavens and the new earth of the eternally new creation at last.
But I also choose this passage because in it I believe we get one of the earliest intimations of the Fatherhood of God. I think this becomes clear if one compares the phraseology of this passage with the almost identical phraseology applied to the Adam-Seth, father-son relationship in Genesis 5:1, ‘When God created Man, he made him in the likeness of God … When Adam had lived 130 years, he had a son in his own likeness, in his own image; and he named him Seth.

Before she goes into labour, she gives birth; before the pains come upon her, she delivers a son. Who has ever heard of such things? Who has ever seen things like this? Can a country be born in a day or a nation be brought forth in a moment? Yet no sooner is Zion in labour than she gives birth to her children. Do I bring to the moment of birth and not give delivery?” says the Lord. “Do I close up the womb when I bring to delivery?” says your God. “Rejoice with Jerusalem and be glad for her, all you who love her; rejoice greatly with her, all you who mourn over her. For you will nurse and be satisfied at her comforting breasts; you will drink deeply and delight in her overflowing abundance. Isaiah 66:7-11

This passage has dominated and shaped my life for much of the past 24 years, in that vv7-8 were the words through which the Lord spoke to my heart about becoming involved in setting up Highland Theological Institute in 1994, which became the Highland Theological College. At a time when a small group of us were being challenged to start a college from scratch within 5 months when we had absolutely no staff, no premises, no resources and no students. It seemed so impossible. We found ourselves saying, ‘Who has heard of such a thing?’ Then the Lord directed me to this verse which I had never taken any notice of before. The result was that a college was born not quite ‘in a day’ but within 5 months. And, perhaps there is a sense in which it was born ‘in a day’ – the day I took God at his word.
Years later, as we went through some of the college’s early struggles, the reassuring words of v9 spoke to my heart again and again. And even now as I write this, vv10-11 have been blessed to my own soul in a fresh way as I wait in faith and expectancy for renewal and revival of God’s cause again in our land – whether in my day or in a coming generation, I wait for it and work and pray towards it.

The Lord your God is with you, he is mighty to save. He will take great delight in you, he will quiet you with his love, he will rejoice over you with singing. Zephaniah 3:17

One of Scripture’s truly magnificent verses. This verse reveals to us both the might and the loving tenderness of our great God. These are words that assure us of the Father’s presence with us and power to save us from any and every difficulty, danger, or whatever. But they speak also of the Father’s delight in us his children, even as he expressed that delight in Christ at his baptism, as he set his face towards all that lay ahead climaxing in that other ‘baptism’ which awaited him at his death. This speaks of his tender compassion towards us, like a mother quieting a distressed or tired child until they fall asleep in loving arms. They speak of the Father, singing sweet lullabies over our heads.

After this I looked, and there before me was a great multitude that no-one could count, from every nation, tribe, people and language, standing before the throne and before the Lamb. They were wearing white robes and were holding palm branches in their hands. And they cried out in a loud voice: “Salvation belongs to our God, who sits on the throne, and to the Lamb.” All the angels were standing around the throne and around the elders and the four living creatures. They fell down on their faces before the throne and worshipped God, saying: “Amen! Praise and glory and wisdom and thanks and honour and power and strength be to our God for ever and ever. Amen!” Then one of the elders asked me, “These in white robes—who are they, and where did they come from?” I answered, “Sir, you know.” And he said, “These are they who have come out of the great tribulation; they have washed their robes and made them white in the blood of the Lamb. Therefore, they are before the throne of God and serve him day and night in his temple; and he who sits on the throne will shelter them with his presence. Never again will they hunger; never again will they thirst. The sun will not beat down on them, nor any scorching heat. For the Lamb at the centre of the throne will be their shepherd; he will lead them to springs of living water. And God will wipe away every tear from their eyes.” Revelation 7:9-11

Ever since 1975, this has been one of my very favourite passages of Scripture. Then, as a two-year-old Christian (having been born again in 1973), I found myself on mission in France with Operation Mobilisation. During the first week of preparation and training, about 1000 of us from several continents and many countries of the world gathered often in times of worship during which we all sang the same songs but in our own language. For me, that experience was a foretaste of heaven and the new creation with the people of God from every nation, language and cultural group worshipping and serving God and the Lamb in the communion of the Holy Spirit.

Who would you like to find on the island for company?

I have found this to be by far the hardest of these questions. Eventually, I have decided that, if I’m not able to have the company of my wife, Annice, then I would plump for John Knox, one of the great heroes of the Scottish Reformation. Knox has had really bad press in much of the past century or two but I would love to have time to sit and chat with him and find out from the man himself what he learned from Calvin and the other European Reformers; also, somewhat anachronistically, what his views would be on the theology of the Westminster Confession, to discover from the man himself where the Confession’s theology differed from his own (as is often claimed today in certain circles).

Which song would you take to the island?

As a Scottish, Highland Presbyterian you might expect me to choose a Psalm, so I won’t disappoint you. I have a number of favourites, but perhaps for this purpose the metrical version of Psalm 73:25-28 (1650 Scottish Psalter) would be appropriate. This is one sung at our wedding in 1981, it reminded us that even as we committed ourselves to one another for our lives together, there was a greater commitment that we had each made to God years earlier, through Christ, which we wanted to re-affirm at the time of our marriage.

The words seem particularly appropriate for a desert island, where one would certainly long for human company. How much more should we long for the company of the Man from Heaven!

Whom have I in the heavens high
but thee, O Lord, alone?
And in the earth whom I desire
besides thee there is none.

My flesh and heart doth faint and fail,
but God doth fail me never:
For of my heart God is the strength
and portion for ever.

For, lo, they that are far from thee
for ever perish shall;
Them that a whoring from thee go
thou hast destroyed all.

But surely it is good for me
that I draw near to God:
In God I trust, that all thy works
I may declare abroad.

I would certainly wish to have one of the great hymns of the cross which lies at the very core of our faith. I thought first of choosing the hymn, ‘There is a fountain filled with blood,’ not least because of the words ‘redeeming love has been my theme and shall be till I die,’ which must surely be the main theme of every preacher’s ministry?

Eventually I have plumped for the much more recent Getty and Townend hymn, ‘The Power of the cross,’ which captures what, for me, lies at the heart of the message of the cross, the sacrament of the Lord’s Supper and of Christianity as a whole – substitutionary atonement through Christ. This is one of the few songs that has impacted my own soul deeply in recent years. Time and time again, the singing of it has left me broken and in tears, particularly when sung after the preaching of a message in which the cross has been powerfully proclaimed.

Oh, to see the dawn
Of the darkest day:
Christ on the road to Calvary.
Tried by sinful men,
Torn and beaten, then
Nailed to a cross of wood.

This, the power of the cross:
Christ became sin for us,
Took the blame, bore the wrath:
We stand forgiven at the cross.

Oh, to see the pain
Written on Your face
Bearing the awesome weight of sin;
Every bitter thought,
Every evil deed
Crowning Your bloodstained brow.

Now the daylight flees,
Now the ground beneath
Quakes as its Maker bows His head.
Curtain torn in two,
Dead are raised to life;
'Finished!' the victory cry.

Oh, to see my name
Written in the wounds,
For through Your suffering I am free.
Death is crushed to death,
Life is mine to live,
Won through Your selfless love.

Finally, I would have something with a clear eschatology, a song that may not be familiar to many in the UK, ‘One day we’ll see him face to face’. This song was written by the late Rev Dr Geoffrey Bingham, leader of New Creation Teaching Ministries whom I met in Australia in 1999. It speaks of present experience as we anticipate with longing the fullness that awaits us in the new creation. (The music for this song can be found here.)

One Day we’ll see Him face to face,
And then our hearts will beat as one,
That day we’ll know the glory of His grace,
As we on earth have never known.

Sometimes we are surprised by joy,
Sometimes a bliss unbidden comes,
And in that moment of enriching love
Come intimations of our home.

Our hearts are gladdened in this world,
When grace gives sudden sights of love,
But oh, how richer when our hearts in hope
Reach out to fuller bliss above.

’Tis then the sights of heaven abound,
And flood our tired hearts with pain,
The tears of wonder flow in ecstasy,
And we are fully home again.

The years of sorrow and of strife,
The sin that brought a holy shame,
The guilt our hearts could never wholly hide
Will never visit us again.

Dear Lover, Saviour, Jesus Christ,
Our present life is hid in Thee,
But oh! The wonder when we are unveiled
In glory of our liberty.

Till then we live in present hope,
In patience of the coming sight,
And those who share with You in glory now,
We then will meet with great delight.

Delight and bliss and joy and love,
As now our hearts cannot contain,
Will flood us as we see Him face to face
And we are wholly one again.

Friday, 4 January 2019

Dafydd Taylor, Binfield, Berkshire

I’ve been a Christian for almost 24 years and it’s been such a blessing to reflect on how God’s Word has helped and affected me over the years. I would recommend that every Christian do this, even if you haven’t yet been asked to be on Desert Island Verses – it will cause you to worship.

Which verses would you take to the desert island?

For all have sinned and fall short of the glory of God. The wages of sin is death, the gift of God is eternal life in Jesus Christ our Lord. God demonstrates his own love for us in this: While we were still sinners, Christ died for us. Romans 3:23, 6:23, 5:8, 10:8-9, 10:13

I remember getting excited by a ‘Romans Road to Salvation’ gospel tract not long after my conversion. These were the first verses I learned as a Christian and they really helped me understand the gospel better. You’ll be glad to know that I still get excited about those verses and often quote them when I get into gospel conversations with people and when I preach.

My son, do not despise the LORD’s discipline, and do not resent his rebuke, because the LORD disciplines those he loves, as a father the son he delights in. Proverbs 3:11-12 cf. Hebrews 12:5-6

I’m ashamed to say that I would occasionally look for pleasure in sin as a teenager. In summer 2001, when I was 18 years old, I was travelling to an ungodly place. I believe God literally stopped me in my tracks. On my journey to this place I had a serious car accident on the motorway. My car rolled at high speed and it was written off. I believe that was God disciplining me. He has also used other Christians to rebuke me at times too. As Hebrews 12:10-11 says, “God disciplines us for our good, in order that we may share in his holiness. No discipline seems pleasant at the time, but painful. Later on, however, it produces a harvest of righteousness and peace for those who have been trained by it.” As painful and unpleasant as it was to be disciplined by God, I believe that I am a holier, more righteous and peaceful man for it.

Therefore, since we have a great high priest who has ascended into heaven, Jesus the Son of God, let us hold firmly to the faith we profess. For we do not have a high priest who is unable to empathise with our weaknesses, but we have one who has been tempted in every way, just as we are—yet he did not sin. Let us then approach God’s throne of grace with confidence, so that we may receive mercy and find grace to help us in our time of need. Hebrews 4:14-16

Only because of what Jesus has done we can praise/pray/worship. I love that v16 says we can approach the throne with confidence. I like that famous photograph of JFK Jr. in the Oval Office under the Resolute Desk while his father is busy at work. That little boy could enter the most powerful room in the world with confidence. We can come before the throne of God with confidence – the ultimate place of power where God the Father rules and reigns over the heavens and the earth.

Grace and peace. Romans 1:7, 1 Corinthians 1:3, 2 Corinthians 1:2, Galatians 1:3, Ephesians 1:2, Philippians 1:2, Colossians 1:2, 1 Thessalonians 1:1, 2 Thessalonians 1:2, 1 Timothy 1:2, 2 Timothy 1:2, Titus 1:4, Philemon 1:3, 1 Peter 1:2, 2 Peter 1:2, 2 John 1:3, Revelation 1:4

I often find myself quoting these three words from the beginning of nearly every Epistle – “Grace and peace.” That’s what we need more than anything – grace for difficulties and hardships and peace for troubles and anxieties. I’m always finding myself praying for grace and peace for my family, the members of my church and all of my brothers and sisters in Christ that I pray for.

“My grace is sufficient for you, for my power is made perfect in weakness.” Therefore I will boast all the more gladly about my weaknesses, so that Christ’s power may rest on me. That is why, for Christ’s sake, I delight in weaknesses, in insults, in hardships, in persecutions, in difficulties. For when I am weak, then I am strong. 2 Corinthians 12:9-10

I wouldn’t say that I have been through any severe trials and suffering, but when my wife was hospitalised with hepatitis E; my daughter hospitalised at two week’s old because she was dehydrated, couldn’t keep her food down and had lost over 20% of her body weight; and when the future’s been very uncertain as to where we’d work and live, “My grace is sufficient for you” has been a great help to us.

I tell you, use worldly wealth to gain friends for yourselves, so that when it is gone, you will be welcomed into eternal dwellings. Luke 16:9

For what is our hope, our joy, or the crown in which we will glory in the presence of our Lord Jesus when he comes? Is it not you? 1 Thessalonians 2:19

Hywel said that I’d have a big crown in heaven for being a Welshman living in England! I have been thinking about what are these treasures and rewards that Christians will have in different degrees on Judgement Day. I think there’s a clue in these verses. I think that those verses are saying that the treasures we may be rewarded with in heaven are people. I wonder how many will come to us in glory to thank us for telling them the gospel, praying for their salvation while they were on earth and making it possible for them to hear the gospel through our giving and works of service?

Who would you like to find on the island for company?

The people I have probably read the most from church history are Spurgeon and Matthew Henry but I’ve always had a fascination with Billy Graham; we all probably know someone who was converted at one of his crusades and I think I’ve listened to more of his preaching than anyone else who is dead. We probably wouldn’t agree with everything he believed and did, but he could certainly preach the gospel powerfully, simply and clearly. For a great orator and one of the most famous men on the planet, he also came across as very humble and Godly. It would be interesting to spend time with a man who had preached the gospel for over 60 years all over the world to more people than anyone in history. He might be gutted to leave his millions of crowns in heaven to live on a desert island with me though!

Which song would you take to the island?

The first gospel song that I learned as a child in Noddfa, Pontarddulais was “Thank you, Jesus”, a song I sing with my children now. However, if there’s no food or water on this island, I’ll die very soon. I’d love to sing Psalm 116:1-16 (Free Church of Scotland’s New Metrical Version) to the tune of Ellers on my deathbed.

Psalm 116:1-16

I love the LORD because he heard my voice;
He listened when I cried to him for aid.
I’ll call on him as long as I shall live,
Because he turned to hear me when I prayed.

The cords of death gripped and entangled me,
Upon me came the anguish of the grave;
With grief and trouble I was overcome.
Then on the name of God I called: “LORD, save!”

The LORD our God is kind and full of grace;
Both righteous and compassionate is he.
The LORD protects all those of childlike faith;
When I was in great need, he rescued me.

Rest, O my soul; God has been good to you
For you, O LORD, have saved my soul from death,
My feet from stumbling and my eyes from tears,
That I may live for you while I have breath.

I trusted in the LORD, and then I spoke;
I said in anguish: “I am sorely tried”.
And in the very depths of my dismay,
“All men are liars—every one!” I cried.

How can I thank the LORD for all he’s done?
With gratitude salvation’s cup I’ll raise;
I’ll call upon his name, and will fulfil
My vows to him before his people’s face.

The LORD holds dear the death of all his saints.
Hear me, O LORD! I am your servant true;
 I am your servant and your handmaid’s son,
And from my chains I have been freed by you.